Altar Guild offers opportunities to serve while sharing your time and talents


Are you looking for a new way to share your time and talents? The altar guild presents a wonderful opportunity to join a group that appreciates the beauty of our altar, and at the same, enjoys sharing fellowship with a wonderful group of people.

The altar guild cares for and prepares the altar for Sunday Services, weddings, funerals and baptisms. It is also responsible for decorating and preparing the church for all of the extra services of Advent, Holy Week and Easter.

We operate with four teams, which are each assigned one weekend a month for set up, and take down of the worship spaces for all three services. Responsibilities also include care of vestments, robes, altar linens and baking of the communion bread.

Different members take on different roles depending on their interests.

Perhaps you have a special skill that you could share but do not want to commit one weekend a month to this ministry. We can always use extra bread bakers, seamstresses, flower arrangers and people who are willing to help with the laundering of vestments and robes.

If you would like more information or would like to “shadow” a team some weekend please contact:

Sally VanWelden

Susan Hall