Transition Team update


We continue to move forward in our “Season of Discovery”!

• The timeline is up, and people are filling in the butcher paper with comments and events! But there’s always more that can be said. For example, as I write this, there is no “flesh” on the 1990’s bones and very little on the 1970’s!

• By the time this newsletter has made it to your hands, maps of the Denver metro area will have been put up. And you are invited to visit the maps and mark on one set where you live, and on the other, where you work! We believe it will help us understand our congregation a bit better, and, perhaps, envision ways to minister beyond our walls.

• We think that the only “formal” survey we’ll need to do is the “congregational vitality survey” (mentioned elsewhere in the newsletter). That said, we will still be collecting information that gets at the heart of who we, at Good Shepherd, are!

• "House masses" are coming! One by-product of the mapping exercise is that we will know where we might offer weekly “house masses” during Easter-tide. These will be opportunities for folks to get together geographically (rather than by “interest group” or service time). We’ll break bread together (potluck dinner as well as Eucharist), and we’ll engage in some conversation about Good Shepherd’s past, present, and future!

• It is our intention to re-purpose the old “Transition” web-pages into a clearing house for all of the information that we’re collecting, as well as our deliberations! Watch for its roll-out!

It’s all good! And we want everyone to be a part of it!

As mentioned in the last Sheepskin, the “Discovery Team” members are: Shane Jones, Elaine Oxenbury, Ellen Blackburn, Randy Hubbard, Kaitlyn Bridgers, Pete Roden, Deb Sampson, Susie Street, and myself. If you have any questions, concerns or comments, let one of us know!