Ministry Update: Children's Ministries


It has been a challenging 16 plus months to say the least!  After 15 months of leading Godly Play via ZOOM, we resumed holding Godly Play (in the Parish Hall) on June 20, beginning at 10:00 and joining families in the sanctuary after the Prayers of the People.  We have yet to move downstairs to our regular classrooms, but remaining upstairs allows for social distancing and great ventilation.  Masks are required for all kids and adults as we are gathering together over the summer to learn about some of the Parables that Jesus told his disciples and the people around him.  The older elementary kids continue to meet via ZOOM until September 12, which is the planned Sunday to resume in person gathering for all of children’s ministry.  They are following what is taught in the church service, using Living the Good News (LTGN) curriculum.

Below are the lessons planned for the remaining Sundays in August:

  • August 15: In-person Godly Play:  The Parable of the Great Banquet - ZOOM:  Wisdom’s Banquet (John 6:51-58) (LTGN)

  • August 22:  In-person Godly Play:  The Parable of the Great Pearl - ZOOM:  Choose to Listen (John 6:56-69) (LTGN)

  • August 29:  In person Godly Play:  The Parable of the Mustard Seed - Last Sunday for Godly Play ZOOM:  True Purity (James 1:17-27 and Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 (LTGN)

Since COVID precautions began, we have tried to keep families connected by holding family picnics, a movie night, providing Advent and Lenten family packs, virtual Christmas Pageant and a live nativity.  Being able to see kids via ZOOM is a not ideal, but it provided a way to make the best of a rough situation.      

Meeting spaces for the fall are still in the planning stage to assure as safe an environment as possible, realizing that situations are constantly changing and being updated.

Please keep in mind that Sunday school meets every Sunday, whether in person (10 am) or via ZOOM (9:15 am). Then at approximately 10:25, we process into the sanctuary so the kids can rejoin their family at the Peace, followed by the celebration of Holy Communion.

Sunday school and service times WILL change on Sept. 12, with the following changes:

Childcare will be provided for children of choir members and Faith Forum attendees starting at 8:45. Ages 3 years through 5th grade Sunday school and nursery care will begin at 10:15, followed by the 10:30 church service.  With the later start, kids will still process into the sanctuary to rejoin their families at the Peace, but this will occur around 11:00 am.  

Have a safe and wonderful transition back to school and we look forward to seeing all the children on Sunday mornings, with precautions in place.