Commitment Sunday to feature celebrations after all three services on Sunday, November 4th

Our 2019 Stewardship Campaign, “Hope Grows Here”, will officially kick off on Sunday, November 4th , with a special celebration we call “Commitment Sunday.” On this day we will celebrate the future of Good Shepherd by submitting our pledges for 2019 and uniting in fellowship after all three services.  We plan to have a breakfast after the 7:45 am service, a light lunch after the 10 am service, and surprise treats after the 6 pm service.

Vestry Devotion: Discovering the Invite, Welcome, Connect Ministry

This month’s Vestry devotion is submitted by Vestry member Chris Hall.

Recently some Good Shepherd members and I spent a Saturday attending a seminar at St. Gabriel’s Church. The Seminar was to learn about the Invite Welcome Connect (IWC) ministry. The purpose is to help congregations like Good Shepherd’s grow by assessing and improving how they Invite, Welcome and Connect community members to their church.