Bearers of the Light in their Generation: Saints in the Episcopal Church

The season of Epiphany celebrates the manifestation of Christ to the world. And while that “manifestation” began with the visit of the three wise men, it certainly didn’t end then! Since the first century, men and women have born witness to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. And some of those individuals have done so in quite notable ways; these folks have often been given the title “saint”. During Epiphany-tide, then, we’ll take a look at what the Church has chosen to remember, and affirm, about itself, as seen through some of the figures it has deemed “saintly”.

We’ll begin Sunday, January 10, and continue through February 14 (taking a break on January 31 for the Annual Meeting).

Zoom link for this meeting:


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5