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Dear friends,

I am writing this on the first of September 2021. Who would have imagined, almost eighteen months ago, that we, as a global community, as well as a church community, would battle a pandemic for this long?! Who would have imagined what we would learn, how much we might grow—in unexpected ways?

In writing this, I looked back at last year’s brochure, and realized how much we had adapted in such a short time to the new ab-normal that was COVID-land. We all thought, I believe, that it was a relatively short-term adjustment. But those (temporary) remedies helped us negotiate a much longer exile. And they have confirmed in me the wonderful vitality that is characteristic of this congregation of Good Shepherd!

Despite all that 2020-2021 has thrown at us, we have thrived! Not only have we continued our common worship-life—thankfully with the resumption of some in-person services, we have added new folks to our community. We have upgraded our technological infrastructure. We have baptized children. We have replaced a damaged patio and resurfaced the parking lot. We have celebrated a new relationship as rector and congregation! And we sense a future of promise and growth!

In order to realize those hopes, however, we rely on you and your resources of time, talent and finances. I hope you will prayerfully consider what support you can offer to support the growth of our congregation. Your gift to “Building Relationships Through Christ, Church and Community” will have a direct impact on everything our church does and wants to do!

Please take a few moments to review this brochure and pray about the response you wish to make on the enclosed pledge card. We will reaffirm our relationships on Commitment Sunday, and together with our sisters and brothers, we will offer our pledges to God. Thank you for your prayers and your financial support of our community of faith!

In Christ,

Gary +